Health/Physical Education
Welcome to Health and Physical Education
At B.U.E.S. we recognize the importance of student wellness. A student’s physical, emotional and social well-being and their readiness to learn can be dramatically impacted when a healthy lifestyle is followed. We are committed to providing a school environment that supports student wellness, healthy food choices, and regular physical activity. In order to meet the needs of our students we will:
- Provide a nutrition education that focuses on skills needed to adopt and maintain healthy eating behaviors.
- Encourage parents to focus on healthy behaviors that can be practiced at home with all family members.
- Provide a physical education curriculum that will keep all students involved in purposeful activity for a majority of each class period.
- Help students build more supportive relationships with each other and understand the importance of responsible behavior at home, school and within the community.
Physical Education
All students in fourth and fifth Grade receive Physical Education once a week for 45 minutes. September – Focus “team sports” and lead up games for Football and Soccer
Health Education
Students in Fourth Grade receive Health Education class once a week (45 mins.) for one half of the school year and a second Phys. Ed. Class for the remainder of the year. September – Extra Physical Education: see above notes.
Students in Fifth Grade receive Health Education class once a week (45 mins.) for the entire school year. September – “What is health and Wellness” - “How to build a better You!”
Health & Physical Education Staff
Erin Semprini
Health/PE Teacher
Wendy Yelle
Health Teacher
Andrew McCabe
Health/PE teacher